Children’s Ministry
At Grace, we value children as for the thoughtful, joyful, silly individuals that God created them to be. We see it as our responsibility to partner with and encourage parents and families in raising their children.
Nursery Care: Babies & Toddlers
For the children who enter our Nursery for care, this is their first experience with Church. We staff our Nursery with competent and professional Childcare Workers and Volunteers who are dedicated to making all of our babies and toddlers feel safe and loved.

Kids Sunday School
The “Kids Sunday School Class” for children who are PreK-Early Elementary School aged. In this class, teachers encourage learning through play, art, music, and storytelling in developmentally appropriate ways.
Children’s Sunday School
For children who are Preschool aged and older we have 2 Sunday School Classes available for them. All Children classes and activities are designed to be developmentally appropriate and encompass the full range of abilities and neurodiversities.
Tweens Sunday School
The “Tween Sunday School Class” is for children who are in Late Elementary School-Middle School. In this class, teachers encourage learning through play, coloring, music, storytelling, and discussion in developmentally appropriate ways.
Our playground is open to all children, whether they are a part of the Grace community, neighbors, or just stopping by. Making the playground available to the surrounding neighborhood and community is a part of our vision for Authentic Welcome.