2025 Lenten Resources

The Lenten season is here! We hope that these resources will serve you well as we journey through this season together.

Available resources include: a Spiritual Practice Guide, with a few ideas for the ways in which you can observe Lent this year. An Illustrated Ministries Family Devotional, an adult devotional written by Kate Bowler, Lenten poetry poems written by Rev. Sara Are, Liturgy written by Grace’s staff, Lenten prayers of examen, artwork, and a Lenten blessing written by Jan Richardson are also available.

The resources and ideas provided are by no means exhaustive! There are many other ways to engage in spiritual practices.

We hope that you try something new and that it renews your spirits. May you grow closer to God and closer to each other. May you learn and pray and name your gratitudes as you simplify your daily living to make room for what God is doing around you, in you, and through you. And in the midst of the growing pains, may you find grace, and joy, and greet Easter morning, more aware of how God is on the move around you.

GBC Lenten Spiritual Guide

This guide was specially compiled for our family of faith to use
during this season.

Lenten Timeline

Timeline for the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on March 5.

A Lenten Prayer of Examen

A Prayer of Examination to use throughout Lent.

A Daily Lenten Devotional

A Daily Devotional: The Hardest Part from the Everything Happens Project by Kate Bowler.

God is Still with Us

An Illustrated Lent for families.

A special prayer of examination for children as learn and grow through Lent.

A Prayer of Examen for Children

Poetry Prayers

Cultivating and Letting Go: Poetry Prayers for Lent written by Rev. Sarah Are.

A Poem by Jan Richardson

“Beloved is Where We begin”, from Circles of Grace by Jan Richardson.

The Method of Centering Prayer by Thomas Keating from Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.

A Centering Prayer Resource

God on the move